
Reverend William Howard Bishop: Toward an Understanding of His Charism as Founder of the Glenmary Home Missioners
By Father Dan Dorsey

Selected Bibliography

The Holy Bible. Revised Standard Version, an Ecumenical Edition. London 1973.
Vatican Council II: The Concilliar and Post Concilliar Documents. Edited by Austin Flannery, O.P. Northpost, New York, 1975.

I. Biography of Father Bishop
Santen, Herman. Father Bishop. Milwaukee: Bruce Press, 1961.

II. Published works of Father Bishop consulted
Bishop, William Howard.”Intolerance in Rural Communities.” The Ecclesiastical Review 81 (June 1929): 593-601.

______. “A Plan for An American Society of Catholic Home Missions to Operate in the Rural Sections of the United States.” The Ecclesiastical Review 96 (April 1936): 337-347.

The Little Flower. This publication acted as the printed voice of the League of the Little Flower, an organization started by Father Bishop to aid rural Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Father Bishop was the compiler, editor and publisher of the publication from April of 1926 (vol. 1, no. 1) to the summer of 1937 (vol. 12, no.1).

Landward. This publication was the printed voice of the N.R.L.C. from the spring of 1933 (vol. 1, no.1) to the autumn of 1937 (vol. 5, nos. 2 & 3). During this period Father Bishop was the compiler, editor, and publisher of the publication.

The Challenge. This publication was begun by Father Bishop in the winter of 1938 (vol. 1, no. 1) to promote The Home Missioners of America. It is published quarterly.

III. Unpublished works of Father Bishop consulted
Diary. Covering the years 1915-1939. The diary offers a view of Father Bishop’s day-to-day life. However, there are large gaps in the diary with eleven years having no entries at all (1920, 1921, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932).

Interviews. Conducted sporadically over a twenty-year period after Father Bishop’s death in 1953. The interviews include family members, former parishioners from the Shrine of the Sacred Heart and St. Louis Church, and associates in the N.R.L.C., and the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Sermons. Most of the sermons from Father Bishop’s two years at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart are preserved, while only two are preserved from his twenty years as pastor of St. Louis Church.

IV. Works consulted on charism, spirituality, spirit
Barnet, Maurice. The Living Flame. London: The Epworth Press, 1950.

Bittlinger, Arnold. Gifts and Graces. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1967.

______. Gifts and Ministries. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1967.

Boschi, B. “I carismi nella sacra scritura,” Sacra Doctrina (1970): 357-82.

Bouchard, Charles. “The Charism of the Community: Does it Really Make a Difference?” Review for Religious (37) (summer 1978): 350-6.

Catholicisme. Vol. 2. S.v. “Charisme,” by J.V.M. Pollett.

Concise Theological Dictionary. S.v. “Charisme,” by Karl Rahner.

Dictionnaire d’Archeologie Chretienne et de Liturgie. Vol. 3, no. 1. S.v. “Charismes,” by H. Leclercq.

Dictionnaire de la Bible. Supplement. Vol. 1. S.v. “Charismes,” by Antione Lemonnyer.

Dictionary of Biblical Theology. S.v. “Charism, ” by Xavier Leon-Dufour.

Dictionary of the New Testament. S.v. “Charism,” by Xavier Leon-Dufour.

Efren de la Madre de Dio. “Charisma personal y carisma institucional: contrates.” Revista Espiritualidad. (Marzo 1972): 7-25.

Encyclopedia of Theology. S.v. “Charism,” by Karl Rahner.

Futrell, John Caroll. “Discovering the Founder’s Charism.” The Way Supplement 14 (autumn 1971) : 62-70.

Gelpi, Donald. Charism and Sacrament. New York: Paulist Press, 1976.

George, Francis E. “Founding Founderology: Charism and Hermeneutics.” Review for Religious 36 (January 1977): 40-8.

Gomez, Jesus Alvarez. “La vita religiosa come riposta alle necessita della Chiesa e del mondo in ogni circostanza storica.” II carisma della vita religiosa: Dono dello Spirito alla chiesa per il mondo. Milano: Editrice Ancora, 1981.

Griffiths, Michael. Grace-Gifts. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1978.

Jossua, Jean-Pierre. “Theology, Charism of the Spirit?” Experience of the Spirit. Edited by Peter Huizing and William Bassett. New York: The Seabury Press, 1974.

Kelley, Geffrey. “The Biblical Concept of Giftedness.” Cross and Crown 28 (winter 1976) : 384-93.

Koenig, John. Charismata: God’s Gift for God’s People. Philadelphia: The Westminister Press, 1978.

Kung, Hans. The Church. Translated by Ray and Rosaleem Ockenden. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1968.

________. “The Charismatic Structure of the Church.” The Church and Ecumenism. New York: Paulist Press, 1965.

Lanne, Emmanuel. Lo Spirito Santo e la Chiesa. Roma: Editrice A.V.E., 1970.

Lemonnier, Michel. “Riflessioni per una teologia dei carismi.” Rivista vita spiritualita (Gennaio-Febbraio 1972) :3-34.

Lonergan, Bernard. “Mission and Spirit.” Experience of the Spirit. Edited by Peter Huizing and William Bassett. New York: The Seabury Press, 1974.

Lonzano, Juan Manuel. “Founder and Community: Inspiration and Charism.” Review for Religious 37 (March 1978): 579-98.

________. La Sequela di Cristo. Milano: Editrice Ancora, 1981.

Mainka, Rudolf M. “Charism and History in Religious Life.” UISC Bulletin 58 (1982): 19-31.

McCarty, Shaun. “Touching Each Other at the Roots: A Reflection on the Charism of the Founder.” Review for Religious 31 (March 1972): 202-5.

McNamara, K. “The Holy Spirit in the Church.” The Meaning of the Church. Edited by D. Flanagan. Dublin: Gill and Son, 1966.

Milligan, Mary. “That They May Have Life: A Study of the Spirit-Charism of Father Jean Gailhac, Founder.” (Dissertatione ad Doctoratum, Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae, 1975).

Murphy-O’Connor, Jerome. “The Charism of the Founder.” Supplement to Doctrine and Life 49 (January-February 1974): 298-312.

Neuman, Mattias. “The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: A Creativity Perspective.” Review for Religious 32 (1973): 298-303.

O’Brien, James F. “St. Paul on Charisms.” Cross and Crown 22 (December 1970): 449-57.

Oliver, Bernard. “El carisma de la vida religiosa.” Vida Religiosa 50 (November 1981): 403-18.

Orsy, Ladislas. Open to the Spirit. Denville, New Jersey: Dimension Books, 1968.

Rahner, Karl. “Experience of the Spirit and Existential Decision.” Experience of the Spirit. Edited by Peter Huizing and William

Bassett. New York: The Seabury Press, 1974.

________. The Dynamic Element in the Church. London: Burn and Oates, 1964.

Sacramentum Mundi. Vol. 1. S.v. “Charisms,” by Estevao Bettencourt.

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Vol, 9. S.v. by Hans Conzelman.

Tillard, Jean Marie. Carisma e Sequela. Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniano, 1978.

________. There are Charisma and Charisma. Translated by Olga Prendergast. Bruxelles: Lumen Vitae, 1977.

Wambacq, B.N. “Le mot ‘charisme’.” Nouvelle Revue Theologique 97 (April 1975): 345-55.

Whitley, Cuthbert. “Some Operations on the Phenomenon of Charisma.” Review for Religious 36 (January 1977): 70-77.